
Mindfulness is about focusing the mind and paying attention to the present moment and is a method that can help people become more aware of their thoughts and feelings in a way that can give a greater ability to manage them appropriately. This allows people to have greater insight and understanding into their emotions, increase their attention and concentration and improve relationships.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programmes are recognised by NICE (National Institute for Heath & Clinical Excellence) recognises this as a front line treatment for depression, stress management, anxiety and addictive behaviours.

Awareness - Attention - Remembering - Compassion - Curiosity - Experience - Healing - Acceptance

Therapeutic Mindfulness

Mindful Meditation

Mindful Living

Mind, Heart, Body

Mindful Exercise

Inner Peace & Well-Being

Benefits: Recalibration, revitalisation, reduction of painful feelings or hurt, soothing and calming feelings, refocusing your thoughts that will give you deeper rewards, healing emotional wounds, aiding forgiveness, dealing with distractions, reducing daily stress, relaxation and recharging, creating balance, greater awareness, increasing happiness, self discovery and re-empowerment.

Mindfulness is particularly effective in reducing anxiety, depression, stress and can have a positive effect on various physiological problems such as hypertension.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) & Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

PositivePlus Hypnotherapy™

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